Mustaherukkaa sotkettiin rahkaan, ja sitä on myös hörpitty kuumana mehuna. Neiti soi marjasoseelle muutaman uteliaan lipaisun, mutta ei innostunut suuremmin.
P.K. from Dill and Parsley challenged me to tell seven random things, so here we go:
i can't whistle or snap my fingers
i'm not allergic to any food at all, but
i haven't been eating meat since i was 13
i would love to learn how to play harmonica one day
the very first miss universe Armi Kuusela (note the name!) has been bathing in the sauna of my parents' house
i love music of Erik Satie
i read over 80 Paula Drew -books when i was a kid
Thank you for playing along. It took me a long time to learn to whistle, and I am not the best whistler. Your puppy is very cute. Miss M was a year old when I got her, she was not trained. The best thing is to enroll into a puppy training class. Bad habits are very difficult to stop. I am still training Miss M... a lot of work!
VastaaPoistaTykkään kanssa todella paljon Erik Satiesta, mutta en ole löytänyt hänen musiikkiaan Australiasta. Pitäisi yrittää tilata jostain internetistä varmaan! Mulla meni ikuisuus opetella viheltämään ja vieläkin se on sellainen heikko pieni suhina ku oikea vihellys, hih.
VastaaPoistaP.K.: Armi is a wonderful dog - she's very brave and curious, and that makes many new things easy (like visiting the vet etc). She's also a quick learner - in good and in bad. Our biggest problem at the moment is that she's way too rough when it comes into teething and playing. I read that a puppy learns in the age of seven weeks, how hard she/he can bite a human. And that's exactly the age when Armi was free to rage around the house with her sister in her childhood home... I was sad to notice that there are no puppy training classes in our town this spring. But we'll be able to take her to an adult class when she's six months. And I've also considered about asking some private lessons, but I can't tell if it's the dog or the owner who's in the need of them :).
VastaaPoistaMartta: Kannattaa kyllä metsästää verkkokaupoista, se levy olisi sen arvoinen. Viime aikoina olen bongannut Satieta aika monista elokuvistakin, viimeksi Kirjava huntu -leffasta jossa Gnossienne nro 3 (?) on oikein teemakappale.
VastaaPoistaMinä muuten osasin tarhaikäisenä viheltää vetämällä ilmaa sisäänpäin :D.
Minusta on iloista aina, kun mustaherukkaa sotketaan rahkaan.
VastaaPoistaKuvat ovat kauniita.
Itsellänikin on taas ajantasainen blogi (ihan uusi).
I like learning about you... and it might be a good thing not knowing how to whistle and snap :^)